Young greyhounds
Racing Career

One of the main concerns of the industry is the well-being of the greyhounds past their glory days on track.

Owners usually take their ex-racers and ensure a warm house for them. Most greyhounds adapt well to home life and make great pets, although some will never adapt to home life and are equally happy to spend the rest of their days in the same routine in kennels.

The sport takes the issue of care after racing seriously and tries to ensure that no greyhound is unnecessarily put down once its racing career is over.

To this end, the Retired Greyhound Trust, which is funded by the sport, is on hand to help owners unable to keep their greyhound at home.

The British Greyhound Racing Board in a landmark stance on the issue of retired greyhounds states very clearly in its publicity to attract new owners into the sport, that despite the attractions of owning a racer, the Board does not want any person to own a racing greyhound unless he or she has made plans for that greyhound once its racing days are over.

To find our more about the issue of retired greyhounds please visit

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